bixler, evanBixler, Evan
Life and military service commended [SJR-18] -  JR-3
black americanBlack American, see Minority groups
blind and visually impairedBlind and visually impaired
Driver's license cancelled due to license holder's eyesight may be used as an ID card until expiration, conditions specified [Sec. 3352r, t, 3365m] -  Act 20
Newsline for the Blind: money appropriated for DPI from the universal service fund [Sec. 248] -  Act 20
blood donationBlood donation, see Public health
blue bookBlue Book
State tartan designated; Blue Book provision -  Act 217
boatBoat, see also Harbor
Invasive fish species or eggs: possessing, releasing, controlling, storing, selling, or transporting prohibited; transporting a boat, boat trailer, or boating equipment on a highway with invasive species on or in it prohibited; exceptions provided  -  Act 226
Marina condominium: riparian rights, easement, boat slips and docking facilities, and definition provisions [Sec. 717g, r, 3703g, r] -  Act 20
Mirror Lake: Stewardship 2000 Program funding to improve navigability for recreational boating [Sec. 658]  -  Act 20
Navigable waters regulation revisions re permit exemption for certain piers and wharves, boat slips, exemption for certain existing structures, repair and maintenance, solid piers, and funding; DNR prohibited from certain enforcement  -  Act 204
Safety programs for boating, snowmobile, and ATV operation: fees for duplicate certificates authorized [Sec. 280, 665, 726, 3437] -  Act 20
Stewardship 2000 program reauthorized; provisions re 10 year extension, annual bonding authority, land acquisition subprogram, property development and local assistance subprogram, and recreational boating aids subprogram [Sec. 584b, 636b-638b, 638r-646m, 647, 647m, 648b-656b, 659, 718b, 719b] -  Act 20
boat _ taxation or registrationBoat — Taxation or registration
Boating fee increases [Sec. 720-725] -  Act 20
bobcatBobcat, see Animal
bolle, dale jBolle, Dale J.
Life and public service [AJR-86] -  JR-23
bondsBonds, see also Debt, Public
Bond Health Center project in City of Oconto: grant for expansion [Sec. 9nf, 583, 9105 (7j)] -  Act 20
Civil War exhibit at the Kenosha Public Museums: bonding authorized; DOA duties [Sec. 9nx, 583, 596k, 606h, 9105 (1)(n), (6i)] -  Act 20
Educational technology infrastructure loans: excess bonding reduced re program sunset [Sec. 596nd, np]  -  Act 20
General obligation debt and operating notes: prior law authorizing agreements or ancillary agreements modified; report required [for section numbers, see entry under ``Debt, Public"] -  Act 20
Lower Fox River Remediation Authority created; duties defined [for section numbers, see entry under ``Lower Fox River Remediation Authority"] -  Act 20
Tobacco settlement permanent endowment fund revisions; MA trust fund, MA and Badger Care Plus benefits, appropriation obligation bonds, and DOA provisions [partial veto]  -  Act 226
bonds _ countyBonds — County, see also Milwaukee County
Appropriation bonds issued by populous county to pay for unfunded prior service liability re county employee retirement system authorized; conditions, report, and DOR duties  -  Act 115
boot immobilization device for vehiclesBoot immobilization device for vehicles, see Motor vehicle — Parking
boys and girls clubBoys and Girls Club, see Youth
branch bankingBranch banking, see Bank
brandemuehl, david aBrandemuehl, David A.
Life and public service [AJR-10] -  JR-15
bridgeBridge, see also Street
``Avery Wilber Memorial Bridge": DOT directed to designate and mark the planned STH 156 bridge across the Shioc River in the Town of Navarino as; contributions provision  -  Act 30
CTH CP overpass re USH 141 in Marinette County: DOT to affix signs identifying the overpass [Sec. 9148 (15c)]  -  Act 20
Military memorial highways and bridges on STHs: DOT to bear some of the cost of maintaining markers, local and private funding provision -  Act 167
Pedestrian bridge in Milwaukee County: transportation enhancements grant, local match required [Sec. 9148 (12x)] -  Act 20
Red Bridge restoration in Town of Armstrong Creek: transportation enhancements grant, local match required [Sec. 9148 (9b)] -  Act 20
Stillwater Bridge across the St. Croix River: DOT to contract with financial consultant re financing construction of [Sec. 9148 (9y)] -  Act 20
``Veterans Memorial Bridge": DOT directed to designate and mark the 4th Street bridge over the Wisconsin River in the City of Tomahawk as; contributions from interested parties required -  Act 6
``Veterans of the American Revolution Memorial Bridge": certain bridge across the Wisconsin River in Columbia County designated as; DOT duty set; contributions provision  -  Act 161
brown countyBrown County
Child advocacy centers: funding for [Sec. 125g, 536m] -  Act 20
Ledgeview, Town of, may hold referendum to become village; boundary agreement with City of De Pere specified [Sec. 1875m] -  Act 20
brownfields _contaminated property_Brownfields (contaminated property), see Environmental protection
Appropriation changes for 2006-07 fiscal year; DOA Secretary authority specified (budget adjustment bill) [partial veto] -  Act 5
Budget bill [partial veto] -  Act 20
Budget stabilization fund transfers to general fund -  Act 226
DOA Secretary required to transfer or lapse to general fund from unencumbered balances of executive branch state agencies, other than sum sufficient or federal appropriations for 2007-09 and 2009-11 fiscal biennia; does not apply to U.W. System or TCS [Sec. 9201 (1c)] -  Act 20
DOT required to submit a 10 year bonding policy plan to DOA and LFB with each biennial budget request [Sec. 2542p] [vetoed] -  SB-40
State finances and appropriations adjustments [partial veto] -  Act 226
Transportation fund use restrictions re executive budget bill [Sec. 85b, 687f] [vetoed] -  SB-40
buffalo countyBuffalo County
Community youth center in City of Mondovi: grant from WDF required [Sec. 195, 9108 (7c)] -  Act 20
Automatic fire sprinklers in places of employment and public buildings under 60 feet in height: eliminating Comm.Dept authority to grant a variance to the rules relating to (remedial legislation) -  Act 149
Fire detection, prevention, and suppression rules re places of employment and public buildings under 60 feet in height: rules based on International Code Council, Inc., building code (remedial legislation) -  Act 148
Fire occurrence reports and records: requiring fire departments to report certain information to the U.S. Fire Administration -  Act 75
Load-bearing dimension lumber: exemption from construction standards under certain conditions; lumber grading training program created, certification requirement and U.W. Stevens Point and DNR provisions -  Act 208
Overweight vehicle combinations transporting granular roofing material: DOT may issue multiple trip permits under certain conditions; approval of municipality or county with jurisdiction over streets; sunset provision -  Act 171
Superinsulated requirement for one- and two-family dwellings and manufactured buildings using electricity for space heating -  Act 67
building codeBuilding code, see Building; Housing
building commission, stateBuilding Commission, State, see also specific subject
Authorized state building program for 2007-09; U.W. Madison Memorial Union theatre wing renovation project enumeration specified [Sec. 9105 (1), 9405 (1q)]  -  Act 20
Bond Health Center project in City of Oconto: grant for expansion [Sec. 9nf, 583, 9105 (7j)] -  Act 20
Building and financing authority enumerated under previous state building program continued into 2007-09 biennium [Sec. 9105 (2)] -  Act 20
Building program bonding authorizations [Sec. 583g, r, 591m, p, 595g, r, 596c-k, kd, o-s, 597e, s]  -  Act 20
Building program projects: certain bonding authorizations delayed re Sand Ridge Secure Treatment Facility and certain U.W. projects [Sec. 9105 (1)(d), (1)(j), 9105 (7), (8), (9)] -  Act 20
Building program projects funded from non-GPR sources: loans authorized [Sec. 9105 (3)] -  Act 20
Capital equipment acquisition bonding [Sec. 9105 (4)(b)] -  Act 20
Civil War exhibit at the Kenosha Public Museums: bonding authorized; DOA duties [Sec. 9nx, 583, 596k, 606h, 9105 (1)(n), (6i)] -  Act 20
Columbia St. Mary's Columbia Campus medical facilities project at U.W. Milwaukee: time periods for borrowing delayed [Sec. 3936m] -  Act 20
General obligation debt and operating notes: prior law authorizing agreements or ancillary agreements modified; report required [for section numbers, see entry under ``Debt, Public"] -  Act 20
Major highway projects and transportation administrative facilities: level of revenue bonding revised [Sec. 2538]  -  Act 20
Project contingency funding reserve [Sec. 9105 (4)(a)] -  Act 20
Racine Discovery Place Museum project: grant requirements and project in 2001-03 building program deleted [Sec. 9nb, 583, 596kb, 606d, 3934b, 9105 (9p)]  -  Act 20
State-owned real property: DOA sale provisions; Regents use of net proceeds for operation of U.W. System; DOA cannot sell certain properties [Sec. 9, 113, 114, 252, 254, 255, 258, 657, 694, 787, 2532, 2544, 2682, 3108, 3936, 3937]  -  Act 20
SWIB investment authority and statutory standard of responsibility revisions, Building Commission provision  -  Act 212
Tax-supported or self-amortizing facilities: amount of indebtedness the state may contract to refund increased [Sec. 2] -  Act 5
U.W. Platteville hotel facility purchase deleted [Sec. 583r, 9105 (9t)] -  Act 20
burialBurial, see Veteran